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2023 KJT Cross-cultural Case Conference 안내

페이지 정보

작성자 한국가족치료학회 작성일23-06-20 23:53 조회528회 댓글0건



It is my great pleasure to invite you to 2023 KJT Cross-cultural Case Conference, which will be hosted by Korean Association of Family Therapy. During the last three years of the pandemic and virtual conferences, we have sincerely missed our gatherings in person. I hope we will be able to share, learn, and grow through our reunion in Seoul. We look forward to welcoming you in summer 2023.


Please, click the link below and fill out the google registration form. https://forms.gle/oDuvrWABhYvi9bCs6 

and Please refer to the attached file for details.


If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at ktj230630@gmail.com


 Chun, Young-Ju

President, Korean Association of Family Therapy


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